Being Young Isn't Easy
The world may paint being young as a care free and easy life. I imagine you only wish that were so. Being young is difficult. You have a whole world contradicting itself in trying to define you, tell you who to be, and what to do—but only Jesus can give us a true identity that gives us value. What the world says and teaches is not only deceitful, but even dangerous. Below are answers to many of the challenges being in public school may bring.
Youth: Unscientific Textbooks
Do Textbooks claim Christianity is false?
Below is a look at the top most re-occurring themes textbooks say about evolution and Christianity. Learn how to confront these lies with truth.
Claim #1: Macroevolution is Proven
Claim #2: Christians held back Science
Claim #3: Peppered Moths prove Evolution
Claim #4: The Fossil Record shows Evolution
Claim #5: Anatomy shows Evolution
Claim #6: Embryonic Development shows Evolution
Claim #7: The Supposed Proof of Human Evolution
Claim #8: T-Rex Was a Big Chicken
Claim #9: Concurrent Evolution
Youth: Literature Class
Our literature classes are supposed to give an overview of the literature that has most influenced and shaped society. It is supposed to be a look at the classics, but often looks to depravity instead. This class often teaches that truth is subjective and up to each person to decide. This leaves people both without purpose, value, or answers. This class leads to the opposite of its goals. Here is Biblical Truth to the dangerous views that are often taught:
Problem #1: We Often Read the Wrong Books
Problem #2: Ambiguous Morals and Relative Truth
Problem #3: Religious Strawmen
Problem #4: Misplaced Judgements