Concurrent Evolution

Concurrent Evolution is unique in this list of commonly given examples for evolution. While we have looked at examples that while false, can be twisted to support the theory of evolution, concurrent evolution does not carry any strength or ability to prove evolution. Concurrent evolution may be considered a red herring. A red herring argument is a type of logical fallacy where you try to distract and divert someone from noticing an issue or contradiction. When we see evolution and it’s main argument of looking at the similarities between supposedly related species, you may wonder about the similarities between species that evolution cannot claim are related. Our textbooks are quick to side track you from noticing this issue. They will say it is not an problem, but it is “proof” of evolution. An example textbooks may give of this is of a puffin (a bird) and dolphin (a mammal) having both ‘evolved’ a couple similar swimming characteristics. While we may be quick to point out the issue this presents to evolution, the textbooks instead claim that this is not evidence against evolution, but that it is evidence for evolution and that these two creatures simply evolved the same traits by chance. This is not evidence against our creator, but a grasp at misleading you to their religious evolutionism by overlooking a large flaw in their reasoning.

Restated, evolution will try to claim that species that are closely related (by their system of reasoning) will have similar traits. The similar traits then thus prove evolution correct. The scientific process should find this statement not backed by enough evidence due to similarities between species that could not have evolved together due to their type (bats, butterflies & birds for example) or distance apart (plants in similar biomes, but continents apart). Rather than addressing this as a weakness in the proof of evolution, this is stated as a “proof” of evolution. It is hard to refute this proof when it offers so little proof to work with.

As Christians, we should see through this faulty claim of evolution as another proof of its failure as a religion. As Christians, these similarities show the designs and care of our Creator across His creation.

“Often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may have not devoted myself to a fantasy.”

-Charles Darwin