Does Anatomy or Embryos prove Evolution?

Most textbooks will show a picture of an embryonic turtle, human, fish, and other creature(s) in their embryonic state. Textbooks will also show the fin from a whale alongside a human hand, bat wing, and other creature(s). In both of these examples, textbooks try to show comparative similarities between these animals. They use these images to claim that these similarities exist due to a common ancestor.

There are a few manipulations that are often done in these images. We should see that any similarities that exist between two creatures are a result of design, not as evidence of a common ancestor, but as evidence of a common designer. These images that are often given to us, show the images in distorted size and either given in a cartoon like image to show similarity or in an image that is color coded to show the supposed likenesses. As a result, these commonalities look far more alike than they really are in nature. Whether two organisms are alike or different is of no matter to Christians. We do not have to misrepresent data to show what we believe is scientifically accurate. Further, similarities in design only help to prove the existence of the Designer in any case.