Claim #4: Fossils Give the Story of Evolution
Textbooks will claim that the fossil record gives us a record of the history of our planet. As Christians, we can happily agree. The Fossil record gives us an account of God’s judgement through the flood. Perhaps this is one reason textbooks start speaking on evolution by discounting our Creator and claiming Christians cannot believe in extinction or mass death. I believe the textbook authors want us to discount the Creator before we see the fossil record which seems to normally be attached to the end of the evidence of evolution chapter. Otherwise we may interpret the information they give to coincide with scripture, and not end with the same conclusions they have given. When you start with the fossil record, you are going to come to the conclusion of a global flood. You will not come to the conclusion of evolution.
The fossil record provides evidence of creation. We see fossils across the planet with the tops of our highest mountains containing fossilized fish, shells, and other marine remains. Fossils form under weird circumstances that would be perfect in the biblical flood. Situations for fossils to form are rare and hard to achieve. We are rarely in such a situation for fossils to form today. The fossil columns we have also do not often follow the nice order that evolution would like. They are too random. Dinosaur bones and human bones are too often far closer together than evolutionists would like and have even been reported in the same layer. As Christians we see no issue when we observe such occurrences. Answers in Genesis gets technical, but they write on this issue,
“Indeed, fossilization under present-day conditions is exceedingly rare, so evolutionary geologists applying “the present is the key to the past” have a real problem in explaining how the vast numbers of fossils in the geologic record could have formed. Thus, the global destruction of all the pre-Flood animals and plants by the year-long Flood cataclysm alone makes sense of this fossil and geologic evidence (though as noted above, a small percent of the geological and fossil evidence is from post-Flood residual catastrophism).
Indeed, not only did the animals and plants have to be buried rapidly by huge masses of water-transported sediments to be fossilized, but the general vertical order of burial is also consistent with the biblical flood. The first fossils in the record are of marine animals exclusively, and it is only higher in the strata that fossils of land animals are found, because the Flood began in the ocean basins (“the fountains of the great deep burst open”) and the ocean waters then flooded over the continents. How else would there be marine fossils in sedimentary layers stretching over large areas of the continents?4”
The fossil record does not provide evidence for evolution’s worldview but shows the results of God’s judgement. As Christians we should see it as such, and understand that these textbook authors and many of those we know will also face God’s judgement. Are you going to lovingly minister to those around you? Do you love those around you enough to try and save them from such a fate?
One other issue evolution faces about the fossil record is that their best examples are often repeatedly debunked. One paraded example in evolution was once the Coelacanth. It was a fish that had supposedly gone extinct 70 million years ago, and the fossils as they found were used to identify the supposed age of many other fossils. The only problem was that this fish like many other examples evolution uses to date fossils never went extinct, thus breaking their timelines. Now textbooks call this fish a ‘living fossil’ that has not changed for the last 70 million years. Evolutionists will falsely claim that Christians do not believe in change, yet we see they are the ones who are denying change.
One creation scientist shares the story of several biologists exploring the coast of South Africa when they saw fishermen preparing these same coelacanth for dinner, stunned these scientists stopped to ask, “Hey didn’t you know that those were supposed to be extinct?” To which the natives replied, “We have been eating these for generations.”