Was Jesus Only a Good Man?

Can we leave Jesus as just a good man and nothing more? Alistair Begg puts it this way, “You can't say Jesus is a good man, and not God. He doesn't give us that option. He doesn't come to us as a teacher telling us how to navigate life, he comes to us as a King giving us permission to bow down before him. Jesus wasn't just a good man. He was a madman, a liar, or he is God.” Simply put, Jesus is our everything or He is nothing to us. Jesus did not come just to teach us how to be nice to each other as many believe. Ravi Zacharais summarized the life of Jesus with the quote, “Jesus Christ didn't come into the world to make bad people good. He came into the world to make dead people live." He didn't want you to only think of Him as a good man, or someone who could just make you a better person. He is far more than a self help coach. Jesus told His disciples, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) A Christian cannot simply say Jesus only claimed to be a teacher when Jesus defines Himself as the giver of life. Jesus does not define Himself as a god, but the God and nothing less. Jesus is God in the flesh, and His name means “God with Us.” When we read the Bible to see what it says, we will not come to the conclusion of Jesus only being a good man or teacher.

“If Socrates would enter the room, we should rise and do him honor, but if Jesus Christ came into the room, we should fall down on our knees and worship Him.” -Napoleon Bonaparte