What is the Trinity?
This is a question that often is explained in analogies due to it being more than we can understand. I will use an analogy, but they only go so far. We have one God. Our God exists in three forms at all times. Our God is the Father, He is Jesus the son, and He is the Spirit also. He exists in three distinct beings, but defines Himself as one. We can see all three beings of our God when we read the account of Jesus’s baptism in John. A common analogy of God being three beings is of water being in three forms: solid, liquid, and gas. All three are water but different, the analogy falls apart in that this water can change from one form to another. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all one, but also separate. Unfortunately analogies can only help us visualize so far, and on this issue we have to rest with the knowledge that God is greater than us and not fully comprehensible by our finite minds.
I consider our inability to fully understand God as a great proof of Him. He is not like other gods. He is not like the rest of the gods who were made in our image. All other gods are made in the image of man, but we are made in the image of the Christian God. We act like our God, not like the other gods who act like us. Other gods can be understood. They have temper tantrums and weaknesses like we do. Those gods think, reason, and act like us. Only our God reverses that role. As we look at all the idols through history, we see that we have never created a god like our God.