How Many Genders Are There?
As with homosexuality, the Bible is very clear on gender too. Gender is not a personal decision or undefinable construct, but a concrete classification of all individuals as male or female. When it became popular to redefine our gender and try and control this aspect of our identities, facebook tried to be progressive and play along. Facebook allowed different supposed genders to be added until they had a list of 70 genders, and simply made this option on the profile fill-in-the-blank.
When we redefine our gender, we are trying to take the place of God. With that in mind, that should affect how we respond to certain requests on how someone wants to be identified. How we respond will depend on certain situations. Personally, this is how I may handle this - If a man asked to be called Briana, I may do so since many people have weird nicknames, however I would still use male pronouns to this person. Situations are going to vary though, and this should be done as prayerfully as possible.
If I tried to convince a child that a horse may be a cow or that a cow may identify as a horse, you are going to stop me. The normal adult is not going to want their child confused like that. There is no ambiguity between these creatures, and each has been given a special gift. Horses provide transport and power, while cows provide meat and milk. You would not want your child to get those two roles confused, yet we do this to children about their own genders. We try to make the amazing unique gifts of childbaring or being masculine as if they were terrible burdens to bear, or something we could change. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, but society tries to push us to not see such beauty.
In 2016, the Telegraph published a story about a woman who goes by the name of Nano and identifies as a cat. The article says,
”Nano prefers to crawl around on her hands and knees, and paws at windows when she wants to go outside. She also said, despite their size, she can sleep in the sink and on windowsills. "It's also obvious that I'm a cat when I start purring and meowing," she explains. "And, walking around on four legs and stuff like that.8"
She says she knows she is a cat because she “purrs and stuff.8” She is not the only person who thinks this. Many other people claim they are born as the wrong animal. Many of these individuals go to psychologists who help them live as the animal they desire to be. We have eliminated truth and now it is considered ‘hate’ to help these individuals. This lady and others need help, but society does not know how to bring this. As Christians, we cannot go with the crowd and unlovingly believe these things. God made us male and female in His image. These are not limitations, but roles and identities to celebrate.