False Gospels

The best way to know how to spot something fake may be surprising. When bankers and federal agents are trained to spot counterfeit money, they do not learn to look for a fake feel, a fake ink, or a fake look. They are trained on how to spot a true $20 dollar bill. They learn six different ways to test to see the authenticity of the dollar. They do not care what the fake twenties look like, they only care about distinguishing the true. They know a fake from the true, by having an intimate knowledge of the true twenty dollar bill. They know that a $20 that passes only five out of the six tests is still a fake, no matter how close it is in the other tests. A mostly correct bill is still a complete counterfeit. Christianity is the same way. We do not have to study the intricacies of other faiths to know if they are genuine. If we know what true biblical Christianity is, we will be able to spot the false churches. Alistair Begg pointed out in a sermon that you can test the authenticity of a church to how it lines up with scripture. If it does not line up with Scripture it is wrong. If a pastor says one thing and scripture says another, the pastor will be wrong every time.

We will be looking at several heresies and false doctrines that have entered the church, but this book I put together for you is not going to be comprehensive. Not every church that claims to be a baptist church for instance is going to be a true church. While churches that take the baptist label for instance may be generally true churches, they are also going to be quick to point out that certain supposed churches like Westboro Baptist have no idea who Jesus is. Ultimately we can see how church lines up with scripture to know that church's spiritual state. The Bible cannot mean what it never meant. A church that does not reflect the Bible will not be a true church.

“I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with religion... I want all that God has or I don't want any.” ― A.W. Tozer