Christianity Empowers Women
Abortion and Women’s Rights
Unfortunately in many movements, there is always a side sneaking in their own agenda. In the women’s rights movements, we have seen that a group that represents half of our population has been repressed and treated unfairly. We have seen that in many professions, women are not paid at the same rate as men have been. This movement has shown that sexual harassment exists, and disproportionately against women. These movements have allowed and given women the confidence to speak about these injustices. There is this repression many women have had to face, and many more unfair disadvantages. This is wrong, and we as Christians should be leaders in standing against these wrongs. Historically Christianity has been a liberating force for women from staunchly patriarchal societies such as Rome. As Christians we are one body. When one suffers, we all do. However, we should see more that there is more to this. While we fight for fairness and for equal value, others speak with voices that do not belong in this movement. We should see that abortion does not belong in this fight for dignity. We see a group who is suffering, and not all those who are “supporting” this group do it with women’s best interests in mind. Many of these groups do it for their own interests. Groups like Planned Parenthood, see the suffering of women as a way to advance their own agendas and pocketbooks.
You may have heard a phrase like, “there are no original ideas.” I believe there is truth in that statement.
Planned Parenthood and the marketing of others shape our opinions more than we realize. Billboards still exist because marketers know that the unconscious glance of thousands will grow their pocketbooks. Planned Parenthood is profitable due to the abortions and sex changes it offers to its clients. So we should see it as no surprise that it spends millions to write legislation for the ability to have abortions legalized. This includes fighting for laws in California for teenagers to have abortions without parental consent and insurance to not legally be able to disclose the details of those charges to parents. This organization also spends millions to advocate and write sex education material (that includes information for sex changes and talking to parents). This organization doesn’t care about women’s rights or the lives it affects, they, like all of the other companies that are trying to influence our schools, are simply making “investments.” They push and prod groups they have no place in to harm the very groups they claim to help.
We further see the corruption in how motherhood is viewed. Women ask to be viewed with fairness and dignity, and society responds with acting like motherhood does not inherently possess either trait. Women ask for dignity, and society denies them one of the roles that gives a human immense dignity and value. We have a society pushing, and being pushed to believe motherhood as part of the suppression going on. Society discriminates against women by making womanhood seem wrong and belittling. Societies in history have always upheld motherhood, even the most patriarchal it seems. In the the most male dominated societies, those societies of the past could not remove an inherent respect for mothers.
This is where Christians can truly stand up for women and their rights. We should see unequal pay and harassment of any kind against women as vile and unjust. We should also stand against those that push women to feel that being a woman, or having ovaries is somehow oppressive. When we look at the Bible, we see that femininity and womanhood are gifts to be treasured. Just because you were born and did not earn having the set of organs you did, does not mean those organs are of less value. Society in many aspects acts like womanhood and the ability to have children is a repressive way to find part of your value and identity. We act as though having the ability to create life is a burden and thing for women to reject. As Christians, we should show women that the creative nurturing role their biology gives them, is not repressive but a gift of enablement from God. I, the main author, happen to be a man, I get to do a lot of things, but creating life in the way that my wife can, will never be one of them. My wife is not less than I because she can have life knit in her womb, nor am I less because I cannot create life like she can. Likewise, as a man, I have natural abilities that my wife does not. Those abilities do not make me better than her, or her inferior to me. As Christians, we need to stand against injustice. When it comes to abortion, child bearing, masculinity, and women’s rights, lets do it in the context of celebrating the life and uniqueness God has given us.