Is the Bible Reliable?

The Bible tells one story, without contradiction, over thousands of years and dozens of writers. The whole unifying story of the Bible is centered on Jesus. A Christian can share the Gospel just by referring to the Old Testament. You can read Isaiah 53 for instance and find the Gospel written 700 years before Jesus was even born! In addition to the continuity of the Bible, the Bible alludes to scientific facts that we would not discover until thousands of years after those books were written. Further, in all the span of time that the Bible has existed, archeology has only confirmed its claims and has never debunked a single statement. When we look into the text, we see an amazing unfolding of God’s plans. We have 35 or more people who wrote the Bible under the authorship of the Holy Spirit. They existed in different times and cultures. They had different occupations and educations. The only unity all the authors had was a relationship with God. These dozens of writers wrote over a period of 3500 years, and they told a unifying story that contained no contradiction. They have a story of truth being revealed, but never changed. Books that have one author are rarely able to claim to be without loophole and contradiction. Yet, the Bible claims more than that and seems like it would have had far more of a chance to contain error. If the Bible’s authorship existed in any but God, we would not find it without error. There are too many authors and years for it to be perfect otherwise. For one of the most persuasive evidences on the trustworthiness of the Bible to me, I would look to you dear reader. Look at yourself or a Christian you respect, are they the same person they were before they encountered the word of God? Our personal testimonies often reflect the reliability of the Bible. No other book could so shape or transform a person as this book has and continues to do. For further reading the website addresses this question and many other Bible related questions.

“The Bible’s historical accuracy is a reminder that while “the Heavens declare the glory of God,” there’s also plenty of evidence among the rubble and ruins.” — Charles Colson