Blind Faith

I do not know how many times I have heard the answer to a question about God be, “You just have to have faith.” The outside world believes that following Christ means having to abandon intelligence and reasoning, too many inside the church also think this. Following Jesus is not abandoning reason, but embracing truth. There will be questions like the trinity that we may not fully understand, but that is the exception, not the norm. As I explain later, this is a good exception, and evidence for our God. Many believe that faith is blind and based on guesswork. Faith as a Christian is not so much “I hope there is a God,” but more of “I trust that God is with me in my trials.” Our God is orderly and logical, while blind faith is not. Blind faith is hoping that a coin lands on heads. Blind faith is based on hopeful chance, while a Christian’s faith is based in the reality he or she knows.

Christian faith is based on logic and reason. It is based on a recognition of who we are and who God is. Christian faith is based on trusting God through knowing Him. The author of Hebrews says faith is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” A Christian faith is not a blind leap or hopeful guess. When we act like our savior nor our beliefs can truly be known and we “just have to have faith,” we are rejecting both the mind and curiosity that God gave us. I believe that being an atheist on the other hand is following blind faith. You have to reject the observable universe. You have to look at order and see it is by chance. You have to ignore your conscience and irrationally hope that there is not a Creator you will have to answer. Atheism is blind faith.

"Chance is banished from the faith of Christians, for they see the hand of God in everything." -Charles Spurgeon